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This is my character demo reel, showcasing my range as a voice over artist, geared more towards animation and gaming.


0:00 - 0:13 Old Time Radio Host

0:14 - 0:30 Unlucky New Yorker

0:31 - 0:42 Club DJ

0:43 - 0:57 Farmer Clyde

0:58 - 1:16 The Great Stefan

1:17 - 1:27 Action Hero

1:28 - 1:47 Psychotic Villain

1:48 - 2:00 Snooty Rich Guy

2:01 - 2:20 Nerd

2:21 - 2:40 Cocky Young Hero

2:41 - 2:55 Nervous Rex

2:56 - 3:17 Mad Scientist Villain

3:18 - 3:40 Young Child

This is my commercial demo reel, showcasing my range as a voice over artist, focusing more on advertisements.


0:00 - 0:15 Spring Break Contest

0:16 - 0:33 Vacation Site

0:34 - 0:51 Tax Forms

0:52 - 1:08 Credit Check Report

1:09 - 1:23 Dream House

1:24 - 1:42 Adventurer's Checklist

1:43 - 1:56 Extreme Summer Sports Network

This is an additional commercial reel, featuring some projects and videos I have provided voice overs for.


0:04 - 0:21 FusionFall Retro Trailer

0:22 - 0:38 Promotional Video

0:39 - 0:59 The Bass Radio Sweeper

1:00 - 1:12 Top 10 Robotic Animals (Viral Now YouTube Channel)

1:12 - 1:23 FusionFall Retro Halloween Update

1:24 - 1:54 Legends, Original Composition

These are examples of my work as talent and DJ when running my own radio show, titled "The Bass" on UCM The Beat. The only background songs that don't belong to me are the last 3 voice overs Interview with Xodiac features music by Xodiac himself., Kids With Courage Commercial features the song Old Soul, and This Moment in History - Robert Miles features Robert Miles hit track, Children.

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